This function automatically scans through each variable and creates density plot, scatter plot and box plot for continuous variable using ggplot2 functions.

  target = NULL,
  type = 1,
  nlim = 3,
  fname = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  Page = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  scatter = FALSE,
  gtitle = NULL,
  theme = "Default"



dataframe or matrix


target variable


1 (boxplot by category and overall), 2 (boxplot by category only), 3 (boxplot for overall)


numeric variable unique limit. Default nlim is 3, graph will exclude the numeric variable which is having less than 'nlim' unique value


output file name


define the fill color for box plot. Number of color should be equal to number of categories in target variable


output pattern. if Page=c(3,2), It will generate 6 plots with 3 rows and 2 columns


random selection of plots


option to run scatter plot between all the numerical variables (default scatter=FALSE)


chart title


adding extra themes, geoms, and scales for 'ggplot2' (eg: themes options from ggthemes package)


returns collated graphs in PDF or JPEG format

  • Univariate plot density plot for all the numeric data with the value of shape of the distribution (Skewness & Kurtosis)

  • Bivariate plot correlatin plot for all the numeric data

  • Bivariate plot scatter plot between continuous dependent variable and Independent variables

  • Box plot by overall sample

  • Box plot by stratified sample


This function automatically scan each variables and generate a graph based on the user inputs. Graphical representation includes scatter plot, box plot and density plots.

All the plots are generated using ggplot2 pacakge function (geom_boxplot, geom_density, geom_point)

The plots are combined using gridExtra pacakge functions

  • target is continuous then output is scatter plots

  • target is categorical then output is box plot

  • target is NULL then density plot for all numeric features

  • scatter = TRUE generate multiple scatter plot between all the independent contionuos variables with or without group argument

See also


## Generate Boxplot by category ExpNumViz(iris,target = "Species", type = 2, nlim = 2, col = c("red", "green", "blue", "pink"), Page = NULL, sample = 2, scatter = FALSE, gtitle = "Box plot: ")
#> Insufficient values in colour, number of colours should be equal to number of categories
#> Insufficient values in colour, number of colours should be equal to number of categories
#> [[1]]
#> #> [[2]]
## Generate Density plot ExpNumViz(iris, nlim = 2, col = NULL,Page = NULL, sample = 2, scatter = FALSE, gtitle = "Density plot: ")
#> [[1]]
#> #> [[2]]
## Generate Scatter plot by Dependent variable ExpNumViz(iris,target = "Sepal.Length", type = 1, nlim = 2, col = "red", Page = NULL, sample = NULL, scatter = FALSE, gtitle = "Scatter plot: ", theme = "Default")
#> [[1]]
#> #> [[2]]
#> #> [[3]]
## Generate Scatter plot for all the numerical variables ExpNumViz(iris,target = "Species", type = 1, nlim = 2, col = c("red", "green", "blue"), Page = NULL, sample = NULL, scatter = TRUE, gtitle = "Scatter plot: ", theme = "Default")
#> [[1]]
#> #> [[2]]
#> #> [[3]]
#> #> [[4]]
#> #> [[5]]
#> #> [[6]]